Sustainability and Technology
The Mission of the ULI Michigan Sustainability and Technology Product Council is to create a forum where real estate and land use industry leaders, current and prospective providers, and land use policy makers can collaborate to promote technology solutions and innovations that move our communities and cities forward.
Jake Albers
UofM, Stephen M. Ross School of Business
Jerry Attia
Kevin Bopp
Robin Boyle
Wayne State University
Phillip Caldwell
Caldwell Group
John Cox
1.618 Interests
Art Eckert
Plante Moran
Kate Gasparro
Chris Hallendy
MadDog Technology
Omar Eid
Hunter Pasteur
Michael Johnson
Jonathan LoPatin
LoPatin and Company
David Nelson, Vice Chair
Nelson Companies
Jennifer Olmstead
Ann Arbor SPARK
John Petz, Chair
Dominos Farms
William Salliotte
Olympia Development of Michigan
Andrew Selinger
Oxford Companies
Stefan Stration
Olympia Development of Michigan
Dan Stys
John Waller
Brandon Walker
Midwestern Consulting
Mitch Waisterlain
Next Cities Investment